Data Privacy

1. General

1.1.    This is B&C Consulting BVBA privacy policy. B&C Consulting is registered with enterprise number 0819.957.826, trade name ‘BR-Performance’ and with its registered office at 2830 Willebroek, Molenweg 94 unit 2 (hereinafter: "BR-Performance").

Phone : 03/866.11.35

Email : [email protected]

1.2.    The current privacy policies aim is to inform the customer about the data that BR-Performance collects, why it is collected, whether it is shared with third parties, how long it is kept, what rights the customers have and how the customers can exercise their respective rights.

2. The data processed by BR-Performance

BR-Performance processes the following data from its customers:

To request a quote from BR-Performance and/or to purchase the products and make use of the services of BR-Performance, BR-Performance needs the following information:

  • First and last name

  • Address details

  • Telephone details

  • Email address

  • VAT number (if applicable)

  • Bank account number

  • Vehicle related information such as:

    • Vehicle chassis number / VIN number

    • License number

    • The brand and model of the vehicle

    • Mileage

    • Repair history of the vehicle

    • Information regarding the connectivity of the vehicle

    • Information regarding the connectivity of the vehicle via apps

In addition, when the customer visits the website via a smartphone, laptop or tablet, BR-Performance can also process the following data from the customer:

  • IP address as well as other identification data related to the device such as browser type, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other information about the device. However, BR-Performance will not use this data to identify the customer.

  • The browsing habits of the customer on the website of BR-Performance including click behaviour, search and results and the duration and time of the customer's visit on the website can lead to identification of the customer, as far as the customer has accepted the cookies pixels on the website.

3. Why does BR-Performance process personal data?

BR-Performance processes the above-mentioned personal data for the following specific purposes:

A. In the context of customer management, the pre-contractual phase and the performance of the agreement (execution of agreement)

BR-Performance collects and processes the personal data of the customer in order to be able to process the customer's order, to inform the customer about the progress of the order, the correct execution of the order and the invoicing.

In addition, the relevant personal data is also used in the context of customer service (after-sales service) for answering questions, handling complaints or other requested services via our social media, e-mail, telephone or mail.

The processing of certain of the personal data is necessary in order to execute the agreement. Without processing the relevant personal data of the customer, BR-Performance would be unable to execute the agreement concluded with the customer.

Finally, BR-Performance can also use personal data to measure customer satisfaction and thus optimize it.

B. To manage and improve our business activities and relationship with you (legitimate interest)

BR-Performance processes the personal data of the customers in order to understand and improve its products, services and/or business or marketing strategies; for research purposes; to manage and improve the relationship with customers as well as for administrative purposes; to use this to find out which information, products and services may be of interest to customers in order to send or show them information, offers and online advertising for these products or services; to individualize customer experience with our products and service; to ensure that its products and services are delivered and used in accordance with the law and the conditions that apply to them; and where necessary, to protect and defend its rights or property or the rights or property of third parties, or to detect, prevent, or address fraud, security, safety, or privacy issues;

C. To inform and inspire the customer through the BR-Performance newsletters (legitimate interest)

BR-Performance can send its customers the general newsletter and/or personal mailings by e-mail, but also marketing material that is tailored to the preferences of the customer.

With every communication there is an opt-out option if the customer is no longer interested in the mailings of BR-Performance.

D. To inform and inspire the customer through other newsletters (consent)

If the customer has given his or her permission to receive mailings from the sister companies of BR-Performance - regarding similar products and/or services – BR-Performance and/or the sister company can send newsletters, marketing material and/or personal mailings by email to the customer, regarding similar products and/or services.

With every communication there is an opt-out option if the customer is no longer interested in the mailings from BR-Performance.

If the customer’s personal data were further processed for purposes other than those mentioned above, BR-Performance will inform the customer of this in advance and BR-Performance will, if necessary, request the customer's consent.

4. Will the data be shared with third parties?

BR-Performance may share your personal data with other companies of the Engineered Performance Technologies Group (EPT Group) in the world. When BR-Performance shares your personal information, BR-Performance will ensure that it is used for purposes that are compatible with those described in this policy.

In other respects, the personal data of the customer will never just be sold or transferred to other third parties with commercial intentions.

The only ways in which the personal data of the customer can be transferred to other third parties are:

  • The customer gives his/her prior explicit consent;

  • There is a legal obligation for BR-Performance to transfer the personal data in the context of (the prevention of) fraud and abuse;

  • We rely on companies or other organizations to provide services on our behalf, such as web hosting companies, mailing vendors, analytics providers, event hosting services and IT suppliers.

    Specifically, your personal data is shared or can be shared with the following third parties for the specified reasons:

    o   To external subcontractors, in the context of services they provide on behalf and at the request of BR-Performance (eg: IT service providers; email marketing services, cloud services, etc.). In this case, these companies can only strictly use the data within the limits of the instructions given by BR-Performance, and this always in accordance with the current data protection policy. Under no circumstances will they become the owner of the customer's data.

    o   The companies of the EPT Group. A list of the companies that are part of the EPT Group can be found here []

5. International transfer of personal data

Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the applicable data protection law and can be transferred both within the European Economic Area ('EEA') and to countries outside the EEA (including the United States). It is possible that the countries to which we transfer your personal data are not considered by the European Commission to be countries that do offer “adequate protection for your personal data”. As a result, when we transfer your personal data outside the EEA, we will take appropriate precautions in accordance with our legal obligations to ensure that your personal data is properly protected, regardless of the country to which it is transferred. These precautions may include obtaining contractual guarantees from a third party who is granted access to your personal data for the fact that your personal data will be protected by standards that will be equivalent to those that protect your personal data when they are located within the EEA. If you would like to know more about how we protect your personal data, if it is transferred outside the EEA, or if you wish to receive a copy of the precautions we implement to protect your personal data, when it is transferred, please contact: BC Consulting (see data at the top under point 1).

6. How long will the data be kept?

The personal data of the customer is kept no longer than necessary. In the context of customer management, BR-Performance will keep the personal data for 15 years. In the context of the mailings (general newsletter and personal mailings), BR-Performance will delete the data two months after the customer has unsubscribed from this.

Regardless of this period during which BR-Performance keeps personal data, BR-Performance also removes the personal data at the customer’s explicit request via the contact details mentioned above.

7. The customer’s rights and the ways he can exercise those

The customer has various rights that he can exercise by contacting BR-Performance via the contact details mentioned above.

  • Access to personal data relating to the customer and processed by BR-Performance, if necessary, rectifying incorrect/incomplete personal data or having personal data removed, and - in certain cases - restricting the processing of the personal data or objecting against it.

  • The transfer of the personal data either by providing it to the customer in a legible form, or by BR-Performance directly transmitting it to the third party service provider designated by the customer.

  • Objecting by the customer against the use of personal data for direct marketing purposes.

  • Withdrawal of a previously given consent to process personal data.

  • Submitting a complaint to the supervisory authority, if the customer is not satisfied with the handling of the question or complaint by BR-Performance, via the following contact details:

Drukpersstraat 35, 1000 Brussel
+32 (0)2 274 48 00
[email protected]

8. How can the customer exercise his rights

The customer can always contact BR-Performance via the details mentioned above.